Finding Relevance in the midst of Crisis -Part 4

Prepare for Relevance

Have you ever had a problem and got a solution from the first person you approached?

A father takes his son to the doctor’s surgery and the following ensued;

Doctor: Good morning Sir, how may I help you today?

Father: My son is unwell.

Doctor: Please come close gentleman and let me perform some tests on you…This is a bacterial infection, all you need is to take some antibiotics; I have printed out a prescription for you, follow the instructions and you will be just fine in a few days.

Son: Thank you for your help.

Father: Thank you, Sir.

Doctor: You are welcome. Goodbye.

That looks easy, doesn’t it? The solution you need without too much trouble. He understands the problem, proffers a solution and it worked as suggested. Good news!

It can only be a wish that every situation will be like that, but what made it look so easy in this case?

There are so many things that could have contributed to the quick solution, one of which is the preparation of the doctor; which is a function of his experiences, exposure, education, skill, and available resources.

You may have discovered that the current crisis is not as easy as what I described above, a problem facing the world but the solution is still being sort for. It is called ‘new’. How can you help with a new problem?

One of the interesting things you may have observed during this crisis is the difference in reactions to the same problem.

The first cluster of coronavirus was reported at the end of 2019; we have since seen the emergence of information confirming the work done by different people and groups around the world.

Forty-two days later, the virus got a name; the name was accepted worldwide. How did that happen? The virus was named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. This is a work done by Virologists and other scientists; why? You may ask; viruses don’t just get a random name, they are named based on the genetic structure of the virus and only people with relevant understanding can partake in such activity.

You may wonder but how were they able to do that? Why can’t anyone just give it a name?

The past has prepared them and the name has more significance because the name is also important in the search for a cure.

Many professionals around the world have been working on viruses, infection detection, vaccine production with research papers and documentation from past outbreaks. The knowledge, experiences, skills they have acquired through the years have influenced their actions and responses at this time.

We were able to know and understand what is happening because of the preparation of some people in their area of discipline. All these professionals became relevant and sought after at this time because of their preparation.

Can you imagine a situation where people are dying daily in hundreds and thousands for months and no one can figure out what is going on? Some people were able to identify the cause, some others were able to give advice and guidance to help protect people, some others were able to device a means to test, some others were able to work on finding a cure, some will help in manufacturing, yet some others were treating patients affected by the virus even though it is new.

Crisis was the opportunity that brought out the value of their preparation and thus it made them relevant.

Is it only the medical teams that are relevant at this time? Certainly not, even though it is a virus affecting majorly health, it has impacted so many areas of life which means that there is something everyone can do as long as they have been prepared and armed with relevant and convertible skills, information and resources that could provide solutions to any of the various issues experienced.

Some provide us with statistics using complex calculations, some provide information, some provide services, some provide goods, some provide infrastructure, some provide support for equipment used and so on. Everyone can be part of the puzzle but they have to be prepared in the right size to fit in.

Online goods and services made it possible for work and life to continue for many people around the world. They were able to help because they were prepared with the skills and resources that could make that possible.

Many businesses switched to online platforms; companies who were prepared for such opportunity became relevant. The companies had ready solutions, systems, infrastructure and scalable capacity to solve the problems experienced.

Roche, a pharmaceutical company recently announced a new antibody test; this is generating such a high demand as there are already plans for it to be rolled out rapidly in so many countries around the world. They were relevant because of their preparation as it helped them solve a problem that has affected many people around the world.

Many organisations would have been working on different solutions around the world; we only hear of those that were successful at this time but they are many others working and preparing, probably another crisis may present the opportunity that will crown their efforts of preparation with success.

How can you prepare? You can prepare by converting the use of your time, energy and resources to add value, develop, and empower yourself and others for the future.  Refine your skills, improve upon them, learn how to provide the goods and services you provide in varying situations, prepare for the changes that may happen in the future.

You can prepare yourself to become relevant in any crisis, if it affects one area of life it will impact other areas of life as well. Financial crisis, for instance, will affect other areas of life like health and vice versa.

You can prepare to be able to help yourself, your family, your community, your organisation or nation in times of crisis.

Don’t just wait for relevance, prepare for it. Your preparation increases your ability, your ability increases your opportunities and your opportunities increases your relevance.

The UK government confirmed that they are entirely science-led. In other words, decisions are made based on what the prepared experts say; we only follow what they tell us, they have the skills and expertise in this area because of their preparation in the past years and we will follow them. That is relevance.

One thing is common; everyone was able to do what his past has prepared him/her to be able to do. Whatever they have done in the past has prepared them for relevance now.

How prepared are you? Have you been able to prepare yourself for relevance? If your answer is no, the best time to start is now.

If you want to be relevant in future; this is the time to prepare by working on yourself, adding value and developing your skills, gifts and potentials.

You may not have the time to prepare in crisis but your past preparation will help you to be able to react faster and help in times of need.

Fine-tune your gifts, skills and abilities in readiness for opportunity. Those that react positively and quickly do so because of their level of preparation.

Those that are better prepared usually have a better and different result but there is an opportunity now to prepare for the future by making the most of now.

You can only give what you have, but what you have can only be appreciated if it is in a prepared and refined state such that it can bring solutions to the problems experienced. Work on what you have to make it better and fit to serve your generation.

You may need to think of what you have and how you can improve it to make a difference. People need you but you can only become relevant if you are prepared and fit to help.

To be continued next week, don’t miss it.

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1 thought on “Finding Relevance in the midst of Crisis -Part 4

  1. Gretta

    Informative article, exactly what I needed.

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